Security Vision & Trends Review
Outcomes: Relevant Trends and Potential Roadmap Items
Developing an effective IT & Cyber Security strategy is challenging. Staying abreast of the current risks, tools, and mitigation techniques is even more difficult. Security risks are constantly evolving and changing. Costs related to a security breach have a much larger impact than most organizations realize.
Data Perceptions’ Security Team lives in this IT security ecosystem. Our industry experts will lead a collaborative discussion with your key security stakeholders to review your current vision for IT security and help you understand the impact of industry trends and directions.
Vision and Trends Workshop
1. Top Security Challenges
Confidentiality, Integrity, Availability (CIA)
Social Engineering
Regulatory Compliance
Employees Understanding Role in Security
Incident Response
Enterprise Internet of Things (IoT)
Shadow IT - Governance
Policies, Procedures, & Practices
2. Trends
Top Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) Challenges
Recent Breaches & Related Costs
Treatment - Response
Cloud Services
Key Business Applications
Supplier Ecosystem
Secure Development Lifecycle (Applications Development)
3. Discussion of Perceived Highest Risk Areas
Trends, Vision, and Recommendations Report
Relevant Trends Summary – relevancy to current vision and potential roadmap items
Highest Risks Discussion Outcomes
Other Recommendations